Remote monitoring technology with
a personal touch

Healthcare  blends wireless monitoring and two-way video chat with specially trained caregivers to help the individuals you care about stay safe while living as independently as possible.

See how it works for …

See what telecaregivers and remote monitoring technology can do

Get help in case of a fall or health issue

Who using healthcare ?

Residential Provider Agencies

Health care is being used in waiver settings, intermediate care facilities (ICF), and by home health agencies to maximize staffing efficiencies by providing a safe alternative to hands-on care, when appropriate, and/or add an extra level of safety.

Family Caregivers & Guardians

Caregivers use Rest Assured to help aging parents and disabled loved ones live as independently as possible.


Because each person has unique needs and abilities, we work with you to build the perfect system for your situation. Let’s talk!

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